Singapore job market shows healthy signs with increase in job openings

The Singapore job market showed positive signs in 2023 with a significant increase in new job openings, nearly half of which being completely new positions, according to the latest Job Vacancies report by Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower. This marks a strong rise compared to previous years and reflects the changing needs of the economy. The […]
Japan revamps its contentious trainee program for foreigners

The controversial Japan foreign trainee program is getting a revamp The Japanese government has approved a revamped policy for its contentious trainee program for foreigners. This updated program emphasises enhanced rights protection, increased job flexibility, and stricter oversight. The decision, made during a ministerial meeting, aligns with recommendations from a government panel last year and […]
Japan marks its first interest rate hike in 17 years

Japan’s central bank has concluded eight years of negative interest rates, marking a significant shift in one of the world’s most aggressive monetary easing strategies aimed at stimulating bank lending and driving demand. In its first interest rate increase in 17 years, the Bank of Japan (BOJ) announced a raise in its short-term policy rate […]
Japan will be having its biggest wage hike in over a decade

Japanese companies are giving their employees the biggest raise since 2013, with an average increase of 5.25% this year. This news comes from the country’s leading union organisation, Rengo. The recent wage negotiations have been closely monitored, with leading corporations being the first to conclude their discussions earlier in March, and the outcomes of these […]