Eos Global Expansion

Partner With Us

Collaboration with Eos can add value to your services and better position you and your client for success through various phases of their global expansion. Eos cooperate with companies throughout the global expansion ecosystem to enhance their service offering, provide white labeled services, or help their clients move past perceived expansion obstacles.

Our Partners

Eos regularly partner with businesses in the global expansion ecosystem like law firms, relocation or global mobility experts, recruitment agencies, and other services ancillary to our own. We also support EOR and PEO companies who lack their own presence in certain jurisdictions with outsourced solutions. We offer white-labeling and fee sharing structures, mutual referrals or collaborative business models to outstanding companies to give clients the optimal expansion experience.

Partnership Advantages


Is your client having difficulty taking the first step in entering the market due to perceived obstacles or resource concerns?

Hire staff in days with minimal cost with Eos, this can expedite their engagement with your services.


Do you face challenges maintaining client relationships because your services are provided remotely, are only required occasionally, or are required at specific stages?

Through our monthly services, we have regular contact with their stakeholders and can foster client relationships on your behalf, referring them back to you when the need for your services evolves.


Your client’s senior management is busy, with many companies vying for their time and money. The more solutions you can bring them, the more keen they will be to engage with you.

Eos services take the pain out of expansion and can greatly reduce their resource burden. By collaborating, we can increase the value you bring to your clients.


If you provide similar services to Eos but lack a presence in certain locations, we can act as your outsourced local service provider, either supporting your clients directly or white labeling our services under your brand.


The Eos team leverages decades of experience and local know-how to help you get the client over the line, benefiting all parties.

Whether engaging through you, or directly with your referred client, our profits can be shared through mutually agreed-upon fee structures or referral fees.


Where Eos clients require services outside our own scope, we refer them to carefully selected strategic partners – this benefits our clients, and the companies we collaborate with.

How It Works



We can engage and communicate directly with your client, to maximize efficiency and reduce headaches, or through you so that you can maintain close control.



Services can be provided under the Eos name, or white-labeled under your company brand.



Any client you introduce to Eos will remain your client and be supported 100%. Integrity and professionalism are keys to successful partnerships.

Partner with Us Today!

Let's discuss how we can work together.

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