Eos Global Expansion

Best Practice for Hiring in a Foreign Country!

pexels andrea piacquadio 3760069 | Best Practice for Hiring in a Foreign Country!

Navigating local labor laws and regulations can be a major challenge for multinational companies looking to hire employees in a foreign country.  The risks associated with not following local labor laws and regulations can be significant, and can have a negative impact on a company’s reputation and finances.  This article provides a comprehensive guide to […]

Things to Know Before Hiring in Japan!

photo 1528164344705 47542687000d | Things to Know Before Hiring in Japan!

When it comes to expanding into Japan, hiring employees is a critical aspect of establishing a successful presence in the country. There are many benefits to hiring employees in Japan, including access to a highly skilled and educated workforce, a strong work ethic, and a stable and predictable business environment. However, there are also some […]

Why it is Wise to Look to Asia in the Employment Market!

ADB 2017 LAO ADJ 1058 Fotor | Why it is Wise to Look to Asia in the Employment Market!

With the economy teetering and with a possible recession looming, it is more important than ever for Western firms to explore new avenues for growth and cost savings.  One of the most promising options is to access labor across Asia, and an Employer of Record (EOR) company like EOS Global Expansion can make it easier to […]

Singapore: Benefits and Complexities for Multinational Companies

photo 1565967511849 76a60a516170 1 | Singapore: Benefits and Complexities for Multinational Companies

Singapore is a bustling city-state with a thriving business landscape that attracts multinational companies from all over the world. With its advanced economy, favorable tax policies, and multilingual workforce, Singapore has become an ideal destination for businesses seeking to expand their operations in Asia. However, like any other country, Singapore has its unique set of […]

China: The Benefits and Complexities of Expanding Your Business Today!

photo 1538428494232 9c0d8a3ab403 1 | China: The Benefits and Complexities of Expanding Your Business Today!

China is an economic powerhouse, with a population of over 1.4 billion and a growing middle class.  It’s no surprise that many multinational companies are looking to expand their business in China, and with good reason. The Chinese market presents numerous opportunities for growth and expansion, but entering it can be complex and challenging.  This […]

Strategies for Building and Managing a Remote Team in Asia

Remote work 1 | Strategies for Building and Managing a Remote Team in Asia

As the trend of remote work continues to grow, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic began, more and more companies are looking to build and manage remote teams. However, building and managing a remote team in a different region can present unique challenges, especially when it comes to cultural and communication differences. One of the most […]

Tips to Ensure Remote Work Compliance!

laptop 2838921 1920 1643803535127 1671849783183 1671849783183 1024x576 1 | Tips to Ensure Remote Work Compliance!

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work has become the new normal for many companies worldwide.  While this has enabled businesses to continue their operations during the pandemic, it has also created a set of new challenges for employers, particularly in terms of ensuring remote work compliance. As companies navigate the new work […]

Employment Considerations in South-East Asia

ASEAN 56a9a6745f9b58b7d0fdad11 | Employment Considerations in South-East Asia

As multinational companies continue to expand globally, the demand for Employer of Record (EOR) services has grown significantly, particularly in South-East Asia.  EOR companies like EOS – Employment Outsourcing Solutions support these companies by providing a comprehensive solution to handle their HR and payroll needs in foreign countries.   The Association of South-East Asian Nations […]

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